Paul Bernays Lectures 13 – 3 Problems for Physics…, Sept 10 and 11

“Drei Probleme für die Physik und deren Philosophie: Das Universum, das Leben, und Bond Antiferromagnetism”
Referent: Prof. Robert B. Laughlin, Nobelpreis für Physik 1998, Stanford University (USA)
Ort: ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Auditorium F3
Zeit: 10.9.13, 17 Uhr und 11.9.13, 14.15 / 16.30


“Three Problems for Physics and its Philosophy: the Universe, Life, and Bond Antiferromagnetism”
They will be held by Prof. Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Prize in Physics 1998, Stanford University (USA).
All the lectures will take place  at the ETHZ, Auditorium F3, HG main building, Rämistr. 101, Zurich on September  10, 2013,  at 17:00 h and September 11, 2013, at 14:15 h and 16:30 h.



